Puerto del Rosario Turismo13 horas hace
🏥El Hospitalito de La Ampuyenta forma parte del legado que dejó el médico y cirujano, el Doctor Mena, para que se construyese en su pueblo natal de la Ampuyenta.
☝️Un importante edificio histórico, consta de tres pabellones unidos entre sí, y supuso una gran innovación arquitectónica en su época.
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🇬🇧🏥The Hospitalito de La Ampuyenta is part of the legacy left by the physician and surgeon, Doctor Mena, to be built in his native village of La Ampuyenta.
☝️An important historical building, it consists of three pavilions joined together, and was a great architectural innovation in its time.
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☝️Un importante edificio histórico, consta de tres pabellones unidos entre sí, y supuso una gran innovación arquitectónica en su época.
📍¿Ya lo has visitado?
🇬🇧🏥The Hospitalito de La Ampuyenta is part of the legacy left by the physician and surgeon, Doctor Mena, to be built in his native village of La Ampuyenta.
☝️An important historical building, it consists of three pavilions joined together, and was a great architectural innovation in its time.
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Puerto del Rosario Turismo2 días hace
🤔¿Sabías que las gambuesas son posiblemente las únicas edificaciones aborígenes del archipiélago que a día de hoy se siguen destinando al mismo uso para el que se construyeron?
🛠️Hoy en día, no solo son testimonio de la pericia arquitectónica de los antiguos habitantes del archipiélago, sino que también representan un vínculo vivo con el pasado pastoril 🐐de Fuerteventura.
🇬🇧🤔Did you know that the gambuesas are possibly the only aboriginal buildings in the archipelago that are still used today for the same purpose for which they were built?
🛠️Today, they not only bear witness to the architectural expertise of the ancient inhabitants of the archipelago, but also represent a living link with Fuerteventura's pastoral 🐐past.
🛠️Hoy en día, no solo son testimonio de la pericia arquitectónica de los antiguos habitantes del archipiélago, sino que también representan un vínculo vivo con el pasado pastoril 🐐de Fuerteventura.
🇬🇧🤔Did you know that the gambuesas are possibly the only aboriginal buildings in the archipelago that are still used today for the same purpose for which they were built?
🛠️Today, they not only bear witness to the architectural expertise of the ancient inhabitants of the archipelago, but also represent a living link with Fuerteventura's pastoral 🐐past.
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